Strengthen Your Content Game With These 5 Tricks

What is the hallmark of good content? Is it when your readers are hooked, or when they share what you’ve written? We’re going to try and figure out what makes content good, engaging and fun. So let’s do a deep dive into understanding “CONTENT”!

“Good” content… What is it? It’s understanding. Understanding your target group, their likes, dislikes, what they talk about, and most importantly, what will they want to stop and read?

Good content is able to engage the reader’s attention within the first few seconds itself. It mesmerizes, intrigues, resolves and creates a connection with the person reading it – it bridges the gap created by technology to allow one person to truly feel what the other is saying, without them even knowing each other!

There are of course some things you can do to ensure that the content you’re writing gets the maximum views, hits the largest audience and gets you the traction you’re looking for. Here are 5 tips on writing content which will definitely boost your writing game:

  1. Topical Relevance

    Have you heard of Google Trends? The most important aspect of writing good content is making sure it is relevant to your audience. Google Trends helps you stay up to date with what people around the world are talking about. Narrow down your TG, do a bit of research on trending topics and voila! You have a set of topics which is sure to be relevant and interesting for your audience.

2. Content Breakdown

Remember those long winding paragraphs in school textbooks? Yeah, no one liked reading those. Similarly, giving your audience large pieces of information to swallow will just make their experience bitter. Instead, break down the large pieces into bite-sized, readable ones which your audience is likely to connect to. Heavily edit your content after you’ve created the first draft to shorten it as much as possible.

3. Visual Cues

Humans are visual creatures who respond to images much more than they do to plain text, so spruce up your content with relevant images, use infographics to represent long content and generally make your article more reader-friendly. These visuals will also help your readers recall your article easily.

4. Storytelling

Everyone loves a good story. Use a storytelling format and add in anecdotes to make your article lighter to read. Not only that, it gives a personal tone to your writing and creates that bond every writer is looking to make with their reader. 

5. Call To Action

While this may seem like an overkill, you should always leave your readers with a direction after reading. An easy way to do this is to ask yourself “What would I like my reader to do next?” Add the answer into your concluding lines and there you go – a readymade call to action!

Shamayita Datta Chaudhuri

Creative Strategist - Copy

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