Leveraging Social Media to Build Communities and Loyalty

According to an article on Hootsuite, over 4.7 billion people use social media, and over 75% of the world’s population over the age of 13 are on social media sites. These numbers make it evident for businesses not only to be present on social media but also build strong communities thereby ensuring a loyal customer base. 

Now let us understand how Building communities helps businesses? 

A strong community and brand loyalty is a testament to any company’s success for many reasons.

The most important element of this would be word of mouth. When a customer is loyal he/she becomes enthusiastic brand advocates which means they are likely to spread the word about your brand and product, the positive experience they had with it, giving you a greater reach all due to your brand’s exceptional product/service. 

Another important aspect to this is emotional connection. When a customer makes a purchase beyond rational decisions it taps into emotions and identity. All major brands like Apple, Jaguar connect with their audience on an emotional level becoming a part of their lifestyle. 

This leads to Repeat customers. When consumers are loyal, they purchase your product/service regularly contributing to a steady flow of revenue. 

Maggi Case 

Building a robust community that can have real conversations rather than focusing solely on likes and follower growth involves integrating deeply into the lives of your audience. A prime example of this is Maggi, which has become a staple in many households as the go-to midnight meal. Maggi achieved this by understanding and catering to the lifestyle and needs of their consumers. They positioned their product as quick, easy to prepare, and comforting, especially for late-night cravings. By engaging with their audience through relatable marketing campaigns, interactive social media presence, and consistently delivering on their promise of taste and convenience, Maggi has woven itself into the fabric of everyday life. This approach has fostered a sense of community and loyalty, where real conversations about shared experiences and late-night cooking tips thrive, demonstrating the power of being more than just a brand, but a trusted companion.

If you are a business and looking for similar strategies then you are at the right place. With our team of experts we will help you build right marketing strategies that will help you stand out among competition and establish loyal communities.