Breaking Away From the Social Media Clutter

Is Social Media getting too cluttered and toxic?
Most would agree to this and Snapchat has been a step ahead in recognising this and offers an alternative. 

Aspiring creators, influencers and Brands, take note: The way people use social media is changing.

Snapchat has repositioned itself again in its new  campaign as an antidote to the cluttered space, negativity and inauthenticity that plagues many social media platforms today. Snapchat argues that Facebook, Instagram, and X prioritize likes, comments, and follower counts over real connections.
Check out the campaign video here!

This inauthentic, performative culture can be isolating and damaging, especially for young people. Snapchat, however, was designed with a different purpose. From the beginning, Snapchat focused on ephemeral messaging and private communication between close friends.

Snapchat’s strategy seems to be resonating with its target audience. Young users, in particular, are tired of the negativity and pressure to conform on other social media platforms.

Whether this translates to a large-scale shift in social media usage remains to be seen. 

Some Indian brands that have started using Snapchat are:



ITC Yipee:

If you need help to navigate the changing social media landscape,  let’s talk!